Why am I not into bows

2 min readJul 15, 2024

Bow aesthetic is a thing. And if you are a lover of Bridgeton Core you already know how a soft bow can turn things around for your aesthetics.

Bow aesthetic is a part of Coquette core AFAIK.

Damn, too many things right.

But lets understand the basics and why am I not into bows and if you are also not into bows two things:

  1. It is okay.
  2. Coquette is just not a part of your aesthetics.

Bow is also a part of soft girl aesthetic.

A lot of people are using soft bows to show their own soft rounded side or romantic side.

Someone told me soft girl aesthetic would look good on me. Wrong. Why? Because I am more of a classic/old money aesthetic person.

Bows or anything soft, prints or beautiful sweet dresses are just not my thing. I don’t feel like me when I wear those.

So, if you are not into bows it could be because you like some other styles and have a different essence in you. You could be classic, dramatic, natural etc.

Ellie-Jean Jordon has 8 style roots in her system that help you find your style:

The idea is that you have at least three style roots which create your style stream and based on that you may or may not be into pretty prints and bows.

I am mountain dominant, stone and mushroom and bows are a part of flower.

So that’s that. Check her video out to understand your style roots.




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